Market Volatility and Investing

With decades of experience working with clients’ portfolios I know how market volatility makes investors uncomfortable. Every time the markets would have big swings up or down, I would get a call from a few clients wondering if they needed to make changes to their portfolio. Despite having built good solid portfolios with high quality…

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Decision Making During Grief

I don’t have a psychology degree nor have I studied grief. However, I have experienced grief in two areas – my divorce, and the death of my father. I also work with women going through a divorce or settling the estate of loved ones so I see if often. This blog is not about the…

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Fear of Being a Bag Lady

Don’t let the fear of being a bag lady keep you from enjoying life. Over the years I have counseled many women both as part of a couple and as a single woman. Whether it was as part of couple where they had decided to retire or a single Mom trying to pay off a…

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Why You Need Your Own Credit Card

One of the tenets of good financial well-being is making sure you have your own credit card. Having your own credit card will give you the power to be able to pay for an emergency situation such as a medical bill, car or home repair, or a plane ticket to visit a loved one in…

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How to Handle Sudden Wealth

Sudden wealth can be a result of many different situations; inheritance, sale of a business, and even divorce. Any of these financial windfalls can also be accompanied by an emotional burden. How do I honor the loved one that left me the money? How do I honor myself by taking care of the hard-earned money…

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Know Your Budget

One of the most important financial pieces of information you need to know while going through a divorce is, what does it cost to live every month? No matter what type of financial settlement you will be receiving, it is imperative that you know your monthly budget. What are the monthly expenses for the kids…

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Financially Fit in 2024

As the start of a new year is upon us we tend to make “New Year’s Resolutions”.  Often times we resolve to work on our health and fitness and tell ourselves “This is the year to get fit”! As an exercise person myself, I don’t disagree that staying physically fit is a priority but what…

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