Market Volatility and Investing

With decades of experience working with clients’ portfolios I know how market volatility makes investors uncomfortable. Every time the markets would have big swings up or down, I would get a call from a few clients wondering if they needed to make changes to their portfolio. Despite having built good solid portfolios with high quality…

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Decision Making During Grief

I don’t have a psychology degree nor have I studied grief. However, I have experienced grief in two areas – my divorce, and the death of my father. I also work with women going through a divorce or settling the estate of loved ones so I see if often. This blog is not about the…

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Fear of Being a Bag Lady

Don’t let the fear of being a bag lady keep you from enjoying life. Over the years I have counseled many women both as part of a couple and as a single woman. Whether it was as part of couple where they had decided to retire or a single Mom trying to pay off a…

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